TEABALLS - Chai Latte Organic | pure nature | 30-75 cups

Ohne Sieb, Beutel & ZiehzeitHeiss und kalt trinkenOhne ZuckerIn 15 Sekunden trinkfertig & ohne FleckenAlternative zu zuckerhaltigen Softdrinks
CHF 9.90

Try our new pure nature variety "Chai Latte". Enjoy TEABALLS Chai Latte, pure nature, individually to your taste! Whether hot or cold, at home or on the go.

100% natural
Only the best from the plant. The special thing about pure nature is, everything stays in the cup. After dissolving the beads, a sediment is formed that quickly settles, but can also be drunk without hesitation. In this way, all the ingredients are preserved and can develop their full effect.

Chai Latte pure nature
Chai Latte is not only a lifestyle drink, it's a perfect wellness miracle. Treat yourself to a moment of tranquility with Teaball's Chai Latte - a classic masala blend of select ingredients, as it originated in Ayurvedic health teachings. Soothing and invigorating for body and mind thanks to caffeine, the spicy chai latte provides an energizing, uplifting zest for life. Try it. You will love TEABALLS Chai Latte!

Dissolve 2- 5 balls in boiling water (approx. 200ml), stir, let it settle, and you're done! From one bottle, you can make about 30 - 75 cups of tea, depending on the dosage. The naturally cloudy natural dregs are drinkable.

Tip:Refine Teaballs Chai Latte with honey and milk. Especially aromatic and delicious! You will need the following ingredients for your delicious trendy drink:

  • 2-5 teaballs of Chai Latte to 200ml (3-8 teaballs to 300ml)
  • A 2/3 cup of hot water
  • 1/3 cup of heated whole milk
  • 1TL honey or other sweetener
  • Maybe some extra milk foam
  • Cinnamon powder for garnish


Did you know that you can even prepare delicious dishes or drinks with Teaballs? There are no limits to your creativity!

Ingredients: black tea Assam, cinnamon, ginger, anise, licorice root, pepper, cardamom, natural flavoring

Payment methods:

within 1-2 business days

Schwarztee Assam, Zimt, Ingwer, Anis, Süßholzwurzel, Pfeffer, Kardamom, natürliches Aroma

Brennwert, 3 kJ / 1 kcal
Fett, 0g
- davon Gesamtfettsäuren, 0g
Kohlenhydrate, 0g
- davon Zucker, 0g
Ballaststoffe, 0g
Eiweiss, 0g
Salz, 0,01g

TEABALLS Tee ohne Beutel oder Sieb
TEABALLS Tee ohne Beutel oder Sieb